Category: Uncategorized

Creating a Rich, Juicy, Full Life

Hello Beautiful, You’ve probably heard me mention the benefits of ‘Creating a Rich & Juicy Life’ and how this is your fast track to being irresistible AND the absolute best way to reconnect with a man you love. Yet, while you are adjusting to #FeminineEnergy ways of speaking & being, you may encounter loneliness or… Read More

Do You Want Answers & Guidance?

Hello Diamond Girl, I have THREE (3) exciting things to share with you this week! #1 Is there a man in your life wobbling over COMMITMENT, being hot & cold and needing SPACE? In my newest YouTube video, Give Him Space – Here’s How & Why, I shared exactly how to offer a man space,… Read More

Ghosted, Bread Crumbed & Ignored?

How men cope with their feelings about women & life. Dear Diamond Girls, I’m excited to share this newsletter with you because it contains tips that will truly advance your Feminine Energy to the next level. Masculine Energy in our bodies can have us feeling confident that we are so-very-RIGHT about a situation or action,… Read More

Can a Man Really Change?

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”― Mahatma Gandhi Dear Diamond Girl: When I step back from my years of coaching and examine the questions and concerns of women around the world, I see a few common threads. How do I get my man to change? The man is either moving… Read More

How Your Thinking Sabotages Love

Dear Diamond Girl, As we continue onward in the pandemic and persevere (or perish), I invariably see proof that my thoughts create my reality. I’m amazed how a shift in my thinking can transform ‘end of the world’ feelings in a flash. While putting away some plastic recycling, I was struck with the guilt and… Read More

My Top 5 Lessons in Life, Love & Humanity

Hello Beautiful, Here we are, at the tail end of a very uncomfortable year. It’s odd that discomfort is how humans evolve and grow. It is even more strange, when you really think about it, that something as wonderful as LOVE often endures quite a bit of pain and struggle. When things feel great we… Read More

5 Ways to Feel More Connected to Inner Girl – new video!

Hello Beautiful, What a year it’s been! If you’re anything like me, in 2019 I made new year resolutions and looked toward the future with hope and happiness. The Universe laughed! The result of 2020 has been many (ultimately positive) eye-opening events that humankind cannot deny. We were forced into change globally. We saw suffering,… Read More

Get the Affection and Attention You Seek From Your Man

Dear Diamond Girl,  Maybe you can relate…  I have personally spent countless hours of my life trying to get a man (or anyone else) to do or say the thing that I need most.  This is especially troubling when you’re being ignored and pushed away instead of the person caring about you, listening and helping. … Read More

Manifest Your Man with Feminine Energy

Hello Beautiful, In my latest YouTube video, CLICK HERE I share powerful Manifesting tools and techniques that are certain to be a life-changer. I speak from experience. Be that my own personal life, or the thousands of women I have coached. (SEE TONS OF TESTIMONIALS HERE.) When we align ourselves with what we DO want,… Read More

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