Get Him Back Program Page Photo
Get Him Back Heart

unlock the Absolute Best Chances

Reclaim Your Life & Win Him Back

The ABCs to Get Him Back

This proven-to-work course guides you to healing & rebuilding — no matter the severity of the breakup nor how long ago the breakup happened.

About Adrienne Everheart Photo

Here’s what you Get

15+ HOURS of Get Him Back instructional and class videos + audio class recordings,

CLASS INCLUDES THEORY WORK and previous class attendees’ live Q&A answering top Get Him Back questions, (recorded videos)

WORKSHEETS designed for Neuro-Pathway changes to activate your Feminine Energy and Goddess Mindset,

VIP LIBRARY ACCESS to 20 of my top-selling e-books & quick guides ($1700 Value)

You don’t have to keep checking SM & your phone and hoping he gets in touch with you. You can now have access to ALL the Tools & Processes that give you the very best chances of attracting him back. I also include my EXCLUSIVE Hail Mary Tool.

Recap of ABC To Getting Him Back Image

You can listen from anywhere with Downloadable Audio Files or Watch the Recorded Videos.

Why Purchase Get Him Back?

You’ll get answers for: WHY? WHAT? WHEN? HOW?

Get the answers you are looking for with ABCs to Get Him Back.

  • Identify why your man has ended the relationship.
  • Discover what he’s been thinking/feeling/doing since the breakup.
  • Determine when’s the best time to reach out to your ex to start over.
  • Learn how to make contact that truly CONNECTS to his heart, without leaning forward or feeling rejected.
  • Create a stronger relationship prior to the breakup.
  • Use all of your Feminine Energy tools and knowledge to Get Him Back & Keep Him.

ABCs are all about giving you the Absolute Best Chances to start over. Even if you feel you’ve pushed your man away by pestering him on SM, text, or you’ve chased him and acted out in anger or frustration – it is far EASIER to REACTIVATE LOVE than starting over with someone new.

If a larger part of you feels things just aren’t over – in my professional experience – you are right! My clients who feel there’s ‘just MORE’ are always correct. If a deep internal feeling is telling you, ‘things just are not over yet,’ this man likely has a message/lesson for your personal growth and you ALSO have a great opportunity to make your love work. Otherwise, you’d easily move away from the breakup!

I give you the Absolute Best Chances to Start Over with your man and activate his primal urges to claim you for good.

MY THEORY: You would not have this dream to reunite with your man if it were not possible. If you want to give your Love a professional and earnest try, the ABCs to Get Him Back program is for you.

Adrienne and Jeff Marriage Announcement

Get Him Back & Keep Him – With No Doubts

6 Classes

and Audios. Class time is 1-3 hours in length each. Lifetime access to the video recordings.

Get Him Back Roadmap

guides you along the way with exactly what to say or do.

Full VIP Library

of 20+ items!

And More

Includes a NEW YOU Meditation that helps you reconnect with your man and yourself.

+ 2 Exclusive Video Bonuses

You Also Get Access to the VIP Library’s 20+ Items

14 PDF’s/eBooks:
Get the Love You Want
Stop Attracting the Wrong Men
Attract Quality Men: How to Write your Dating Profile
7 Steps to Attract the Right Man for You
When Online Dating Terrifies
Quantum Dating Tracker (Excel Document)
Sex Sex Sex!
5 Ways to MAN READY Your Home (feng shui)
How to Quantum Date in a Relationship
How to Date Unzipped
Avoid Over-Investment
The Voice Within Us All – NASTY VOICE
Healing Your Wounded Inner Child
Diamond Girl Toolbox

The Library Includes:
Man Magnet tool, 4 Rules and New Man Manifesto Simplico Infographics.
New You Meditation, & Audio Interview with my husband Jeff.
Plus 100+ Places to Meet Men (for Quantum Dating!) (This doc gets updated often.)

Q: Who is ‘ABCs to Get Him Back’ Foundations One for?

A: If your man has: withdrawn from you, shut you out, is depressed, down on himself, angry, says he loves you – yet has walked away.

This program has been proven to work.

Q: What if I don’t want my man back, but I’m having trouble getting past the breakup?

A: Fans of the ABC’s have also called my program, “Absolute Best Chances to Get YOU Back,” because you learn how to heal your self, attract quality men, date, build lasting relationships, establish boundaries, and grow your feminine energy awareness in the process.

I show you the exact steps you need to call back the man you love (if that’s what you desire), rebuild your relationship, or expand your life with a new man!

The ABC's To Get Him Back Program Adrienne Photo

“Now you can learn the same techniques I used to get my guy back, plus a lovely Tiffany ring on my finger! (P.S. I was well over age 40!)”

ABCs to Get him back

Heartbreak happens…

If you’ve been struggling with grief and loneliness for months or even years, you’re not alone. Whether you’re seeking answers, wholeness, happiness, or ready to find the right partner—or give things another shot with your ex—the ABCs is here to give you the Absolute Best Chances.

Our greatest joy and our greatest pain come in our relationship with others. – Covey

There are so few resources out there for women that go beyond healing to truly transforming your life — something that, in your current mind frame, may seem impossible.

What went wrong? The truth about breakups.

I’ve helped thousands of women heal their heartbreak and reconnect them to the love they lost.

Countless others have re-attracted their ex, then no longer desired him!

The truth about breakups is that they leave you spiraling and distant from the true you, and the ‘YOU’ the man fell in love with.

Breakups can leave you shattered, questioning, and feeling lost. But it’s time for a shift. The ABCs to Get Him Back course offers proven techniques to transform heartbreak.

The truth about heartbreak is it’s a cruel fact of life, like taxes. Yet I’ve found breakups are usually based on lies, selfishness, insecurity or ulterior motives.

Breakups leave you with more questions than answers. You end up craving time travel to return things to the way they once were.

Breakups cost you time off your life, physically and mentally. A breakup can affect your body as if you experienced physical trauma. The mental aspects can go on for years.

How Feminine Energy changes the breakup protocol

The ABCs to Get Him Back is PROVEN TO WORK because I use techniques that no one in life really teaches women.

You were never encouraged to be a girl and feel your feelings. Even now you may find no one wants to hear about your breakup or witness you cry.

Feminine Energy radically transforms not only the emotional processing of a breakup, but gets you in alignment with the girl you’ve lost. You heard me correctly: women lose themselves in a relationship.

When the identity gets challenged, and the potential happiness (the guy) is removed, the whole body goes into withdrawal. There’s no convincing a person to stop grieving, logic won’t help.

Over 80% of women who completed the ABCs course successfully rekindled their connection with their Ex, yet ultimately found themselves no longer desiring a romantic partnership with them.

The remedy for heartbreak

Through radical acceptance, facing truths, and embracing your Feminine Energy, you’ll find clarity, healing and learn the tools to reconnect with your ex, or move confidently onward and call forth the man you’re meant to be with.

This course empowers you to rebuild and stand strong, whether single, dating, or coupled. It’s time to reclaim your power and *remember* the dynamite woman you truly are.

Get Your Man Pursuing You Again

ABCs to Get Him Back gives you the Absolute Best Chances with your man, no matter how long you’ve been broken up or distant. The time to rebuild is NOW.

I’ve been teaching this program privately and in my Love Academy Online Classes for over 8 years with amazing results. Every day women share their success stories and so can you one day!


Now you too can study at your own pace with my ABC Classes, VIP Library and Homework assignments that clear self-sabotage and negative thinking so you can call forth the man you desire.

I teach you a powerful tool called “The Hail Mary Pass.” It is the single action you take with a man. You only get to a Hail Mary ONCE. Much of the ABCs is to prepare you for this tool, IF needed. In most cases the man contacts you before the Hail Mary Pass time frame!

This ACTION from the man is due to powerful mindset techniques that elevate your quality as a woman. The ABCs cause great ripples of change. Your man will sense a change in you and be drawn to and activated by his feelings – NO MATTER THE DISTANCE OR DAMAGE. (I teach you how!) The KEY is when the man returns (with curiosity or even appearing as a friend) you’ll know the tools to activate his masculine energy and keep the fire burning. Your man will be drawn to you like a magnet and charged up to claim you as his own – forever!

Complete Collection

GET THESE 8 Courses for 50% off!

Everheart Course Collection + VIP Library: $529.99 reg

(Total value with library: $1380 Excludes Live Class Offers)

ABCs to Get Him Back Logo

ABCs to Get Him Back Foundations

500 Ways to Talk to a Man Logo

500 Ways to Talk to a Man

FEMM Tools Logo

3 FEMM Programs: Dating, Relationships & Diamond

Complete Unzipped Collection Logo

Complete Unzipped Collection

New Man Manifesto Logo

New Man Manifesto

The Complete Everheart Collection allows you membership and lifetime access to 8 Courses for one LOW PRICE. You save over 50%!

Worry not, you’ll get VIP Library access, “500 Ways” e-book and the 2-Day video classes, PLUS the courses & extras shown above.

To learn more about each program, scroll and click below. (Does not include the ABCs Healing + Strategy Live Course.)

Complete Collection

The Complete Everheart Collection bundle allows you lifetime access to ALL Programs, ebooks and the VIP library for one LOW PRICE.

What Will Get Him Back Teach You?

The ABCs is a video course to Get Him Back. It will give you the answers you’ve been looking for and the skill set to turn your relationship fate around.

ABC's of Getting Him Back Image 2

Even though well-meaning friends and family may advise, “Forget him and just move on!,” this advice is much easier said than FELT and ACTED ON. The reason you can’t get him out of your mind is because there’s just MORE for the two of you. You know it and FEEL it.

  • You may feel you’re turning your back on an amazing future with a man you love.
  • That you could say or do something to trigger his love for you.
  • Perhaps you had an argument and you want to apologize and try a fresh start.
  • Deep down the relationship feels right and you want to get back on course.

Instead of sitting awake in bed at night thinking, “WHAT IF?,” when you learn and practice proven tools and processes, you will have the Absolute Best Chances (ABCs) to Get Him Back.

I am often asked: What if this fails?

I believe MINDSET is everything. This program delivers the Absolute Best Chances and it’s worked for women all over the globe. Yet, in those rare cases where I reconnect the couple yet they still cannot make it work, my clients rest easy in knowing: We gave it our best try!

In MOST cases, for clients who follow my ABC guidelines, the man reaches out FIRST. I devote many steps to reconnecting and rebuilding with him slowly. This is KEY!

How DoES the ABCs to Get Him Back Program Work?

I encourage you to READ THIS IN FULL. Get the scope of my ABCs to Get Him Back program, which is unlike anything else out there.

Adrienne Headshot Photo

Hello Lovely You,

The Absolute Best Chances to Get Him Back program is nothing like therapy or anything you already know. Seduction and manipulation do not produce lasting results with a man. A man has to feel, on a gut level, that you are the woman he wants to claim.

I can hardly believe the Feminine Energy transformation I’ve made in my life, all due to losing men that I loved.

I’ve gone from broken, bitter and despondent to breaking self-limiting barriers and creating a loving and lasting marriage!

After spending long seasons allowing life to “happen” to me, I was the definition of misery. I was a broken and angry woman. But this CHANGED when I found my purpose, my gift and my greatness… I am here to share this with YOU.

After countless therapy sessions and purchasing expensive and manipulative TEXT YOUR EX programs written by handsome, single & sassy men, I was left with only more heartbreak. I knew there had to be a better way.

My journey led me to amazing discoveries in Feminine Energy (and beyond!) This is why I can GUARANTEE that anyone who follows all I share in this program can attract their Man Back and get that second chance you’ve been hoping for. Period!

I have found what works. It worked for me and it works for my clients. It will work for you too.

ABCs to Get Him Back gives you the Absolute Best Chances of not only reconnecting with your man but keeping him.

Every week I receive emails from women around the world, all sharing their stories about how they reconnected with their man after they were certain all love was lost.

Here’s your opportunity to do the very same thing. You can ignite a fresh fire in your love life and have the man you love wrapping you up in his arms once again.

***P.S. Pay with confidence for the GET HIM BACK program through PayPal. It is one of the most secure and easy-to-navigate payment technologies available. We want to ensure that you feel confident when placing your order with us, and allowing you to select PayPal is a way of doing this.***

“Lock Up His Heart”

“Because anyone can teach you to send a text that gets your man back in bed with you, but that text won’t keep him there with you, it won’t lock up his heart the way my methods teach you.”

Adrienne Everheart Headshot Photo 2

You may ask – Why am I sounding so confident? I have been able to achieve 100% results with every woman that has signed up for my program and followed it. I get you reconnected to your man in a powerful new way that only Feminine Energy can provide.

I also maintain 100% transparency. Sometimes a man has issues that your feminine love and warmth cannot heal. Sometimes a client rushes the process before doing her ‘inner work’ completely.

In these cases, the man and the woman have not fully healed. Yet my ABCs gives you the Absolute Best Chances no matter how long the healing time requires. I learned more about myself and my heart AWAY from my man, than when with him.

The key is to use the time you are apart to reach your optimum wellness, achieve stellar inner growth and become your most attractive –  vibrational & emotional.

You see, once the two of you are CONNECTED, this bond does not go away overnight (if ever). In my GHB program, you learn the inner work required to make the outer results happen.

It need not be all doom and gloom; once you have the right man on your radar… everything unfolds perfectly. This program teaches you that too. 😉


Get Him Back


Step-by-step techniques, expert advice and tools to get you ahead of the breakup game.

Yes, I said, ‘GAME.’ So often breakups are POWER MOVES where the man’s life feels so out-of-control, helpless and shrouded in feminine energy – HE HAS NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO LEAVE – so he can return to feeling like a man again.

I’ll show you how the very things he needs as a man, he can feel once again with YOU in his life. Remember, a man has to know and feel having you in his life makes his life BETTER. Worry not, no matter how little contact you have, ABC2GHB is a Special Program designed around rebuilding with a man, hitting the RESET BUTTON on the relationship and starting over brand new.

Endorsed By Rori Ray!

Rori Raye Testimonial Recommendation

The ABC’s to Get Him Back Program Includes

Expert Advice and Tools

  • Full Program is 6 Classes with Master Coach & Teacher Specializing in Breakup Recovery.
  • Classes are 90+ minutes in length and in video or audio format.
  • Q&A that answers many top relationship concerns.
  • My Proven & Exclusive Processes to GET HIM BACK.
  • Learn What a Man’s Words or Silence Really Mean.
  • Awaken your Authentic & Vulnerable Feminine Energy to GET HIM BACK!

Breakup Recovery

  • Step-By-Step Process of Rebuilding – no matter what your situation may be.
  • Discover the ‘gift’ of your broken heart.
  • Make friends with the past, heal so you can start anew.
  • Gain confidence so you’ll look and feel your MOST attractive to him.
  • Learn the words he wants to hear.
  • Feel grounded when you speak or see him – even if he’s dating someone else.
  • Rev up your feminine vibe so he finds you irresistible.

REWIRE OLD THINKING WITH PROVEN HOMEWORK that challenges your thinking & beliefs.

12+ GUIDES AND EBOOKS that easily answer your dating & relationship concerns.

A BONUS AUDIO INTERVIEW with Rori Raye, and so much more…

TAP INTO YOUR FEMININE INTUITION & Have No-Doubts about a Man’s Intentions.

FEEL SEXY, CONFIDENT and be irresistible to him in an authentic way.

SPEAK IN AN AUTHENTIC WAY THAT MAGNETIZES A MAN and leaves him clinging to your every word.

REALLY ‘GET HIM’ USING MY MAN MAGNET TOOL so he feels YOU are the ONLY WOMAN who really, truly GETS HIM and can have his heart.

VIP Library Collection

  • Gain Access to My Personal Collection of Amazing Guides, Quick Reads & eBooks.
  • Topics Include: Sex, Scripting, Dating, Over-Investing & Attracting & Keeping a HIGH QUALITY MAN.
  • Comprehensive Dating Profile & Photo How To Guide.
  • Meditation & Special Interview with my man on WHY AFTER BREAKING UP HE RETURNED TO ME.
  • and much more!

Feminine MOJO Boosts

  • Understand this is HIS Audition with YOU.
  • Act, Move & Feel Like a Lady & WIN His Heart.
  • Uncover Your Hidden Vulnerabilities.
  • Activate His Masculine Drive to Protect, Provide & Love You.
  • Use Social Media/Texts to BOOST Your Feminine Allure.
  • Discover Why Courtesy, Good Manners, Thank Yous and Apologies Ruin It With Men.
  • Speak Your Heart & Drive Him Wild for You.

Ignite Your Intuition

  • Get Your HIGH QUALITY GODDESS Vibe In Tune!
  • He Doesn’t Own You & Learn How To Act and Think Independently.
  • Find Out What REALLY Draws a Man To You & What KEEPS Him There.
  • Stop Taking CRAP From Men! Learn Boundaries That Put You On a Pedestal.
  • Feel Confident, Attractive & Stable in Your Feelings & Boundaries.
  • Attract High Quality Men With Your Vibe.
  • Learn why you need to stop saying ‘thank you’ and other language that lowers your value.
ABCs to get him back on audio or video

About Adrienne Everheart

About Adrienne Everheart Blue Dress Photo

Many of you already follow me on YOUTUBE (subscribe here) and know that I’m gifted at reconnecting couples – and this is something I’m VERY proud of – because I teach women how to reconnect with the man they LOVE!

What job is better than that?

In fact, it is the easier half of my job!

Activating a man’s heart, allowing him to heal through you and bringing back to life all the wonderful love you both shared is the EASY part.

Keeping the man…that’s another thing.

That’s why I’ve created an Exclusive Program to Get Him Back & Keep Him.


You may know that…When I was dumped and SO brokenhearted, I desperately scoured the internet for any post, program, guide, pdf, video series…you name it…anything I could read in hopes of getting him back.

I paid for tarot readings, psychics and other stuff that did nothing except fuel my insecurities and FEAR.

When that failed me, I found LOADS OF MEN on the internet Selling to Women methods on HOW TO GET YOUR EX BACK. (Mind you, many of these men are single themselves!)

I remember paying $1000 for a video program and half-way through, realizing it was so manipulative and degrading. There was no way I was going to do that to my man, or myself.

Another program was selling me on ‘HOW TO GET YOUR EX BACK.’ He helped me fool and trick my guy’s ‘brain’ but that only resulted in booty calls that left me feeling worse than before.

I was exhausted spending money and time on programs that did not work.

I tried no-contact or ‘NC,’ and it felt grueling and fake.

When I finally broke down and sent my Ex a photo of his favorite puppy of mine, he replied saying he missed us. Our hearts connected with that one small, yet sincere gesture.

I’ve often thought ‘what if’ I would’ve kept up the NC charade?

Would the love of my life have returned to me by playing a game? You decide…

Much love to you,

Complete Collection

GET ALL 8 Programs for 50% off!

Complete Everheart Program Collection + VIP Library: $529.99 reg

(Total value with VIP library: $1380)

ABCs to Get Him Back Logo

ABCs to Get Him Back

500 Ways to Talk to a Man Logo

500 Ways to Talk to a Man

FEMM Tools Logo

3 FEMM Programs: Dating, Relationships & Diamond

Complete Unzipped Collection Logo

Complete Unzipped Collection

New Man Manifesto Logo

New Man Manifesto

The Complete Everheart Collection allows you membership and lifetime access to ALL 8 Programs for one LOW PRICE. You save over 50%!

Worry not, you’ll get VIP Library access, “500 Ways” ebook and the 2-Day video classes, PLUS all the classes and bonuses she offers in each individual program.

To learn more about each program, scroll and click below.

Adrienne and Jeff Marriage Announcement image

please note: All digital downloads are non-refundable.

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