Do You Want Answers & Guidance?

Hello Diamond Girl,

I have THREE (3) exciting things to share with you this week!

#1 Is there a man in your life wobbling over COMMITMENT, being hot & cold and needing SPACE? In my newest YouTube video, Give Him Space – Here’s How & Why, I shared exactly how to offer a man space, especially when he keeps texting.

#2 Today is the FIRST day of Summer! TIME TO CONNECT WITH YOUR INNER GIRL! Even if you dread the heat or revel in the garden and humidity like I do, here’s a few Summer Tips to Connect With Your Inner Girl!

a) Go barefoot and let your feet rest on the ground. Feel connected to your planet, ground yourself as a co-creator, recharge your energy and get a little dirty! Then treat your feet to a soapy scrub and lotion before bed.

b) Plan a special Summer Meal once a week. Get ingredients that are local and fresh. Try a new vegetable each week. My current passion is Fennel Bulb. I love half in a smoothie!

c) Connect with Nature! The garden is at its peak right now. Can you find a quiet spot in your yard or nearby park to journal, sip tea or simply observe your surroundings? When you slow down your mind, what does nature say to you?

 #3 EXPLORE MY NEW ANSWER CARDS! I had so much fun creating these lovely cards. I wanted you to have some of my best coaching advice in a handy deck. This 54-card set comes with a sturdy box and instruction booklet. Get yours while they are here. Supplies are limited:

Please drop me a line in the comments section of my most recent Youtube Video! I’d love to hear from you.

Have a lovely Summer and sending you much love today and always!

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