Author: aeverheart

Get OUT of His Head

His problems: his divorce, his sex issues, his job loss, his psychology, his ex problems, his kids taking up all his time, his job keeping him too busy, his money issues, his house is an hour from yours, his ex keeps calling, his divorce really messed him up, he is spooked easily, he is emotional,… Read More

What Makes a Man Commit to You For Life?

Hello Beautiful, I hear the following each week in my Private Coaching practice, on Youtube Video comments and in my FREE group, iHeartLoveAcademy: I DON’T WANT TO QUANTUM DATE. I DON’T LIKE DATING. WHERE IS MY RELATIONSHIP GOING? WHAT CAN I DO TO GET HIM TO LEAN FORWARD? WHAT CAN I DO TO GET HIM TO COMMIT? HOW DO I TIE… Read More

How to Make Him Crazy in Love & Chasing You [VIDEO]

Your Feelings + Your Words Hi there Gorgeous, We often think of men as sexual creatures who are in pursuit of one thing. Some of us erroneously believe hot sex will make a man fall in love with you and want to keep you. Or that being the perfect girlfriend with a smile on her… Read More

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