Coping with Abandonment, Anxiety & Emotional Unavailability

Don’t Miss this Podcast + Q&A

Greetings Diamond Girls,

I have a quick story to share with you:

When I was around age six or seven, I was left home alone and experienced my first major panic attack.

Looking back, that experience, coupled with frequent moves and school changes, made “goodbyes” an anxious experience for me.

Can you relate to these traits?

  • Throughout life, I found myself having “place card holder relationships” where we had little in common but the companionship staved off my loneliness.
  • I didn’t let go of a boyfriend until I had another boyfriend lined up.
  • The few breakups I did experience felt blindsided and devastated me.
  • My Inner Saboteur often pushed away good guys to avoid any possible rejection.
  • I felt intense anxiety when meeting people and didn’t feel I belonged.
  • At one point, I simply “gave up” and isolated myself. This is something I struggle with today, a “why bother?” attitude also known as: Hopelessness.

If you can relate to these feelings and experiences you’ll enjoy listening to Ep#49, available on Spotify and Apple, or watch the replay + Q&A on YouTube. You’ll learn how Feminine Energy is key to healing abandonment, anxiety and anxious attachment styles.

You can listen to my podcast on all major platforms.

Would you like to join me for my next LIVE Podcast?

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P.S. Would you like to coach 1:1 with me privately or in a group setting? Learn more HERE.

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