Dear Diamond Girls,
I’m so excited to invite you to join my Private Coaching Community, iHeartLoveAcademy. Each month I teach a live class exclusive for members!
Each month, here’s what you get:
A private & supportive community! You can download the app on your phone or access from your computer.
Monthly class time with me! Bring your questions, where each month I focus on a new topic. Tomorrow’s class is about The Parfait Method and managing your emotions.
If you miss a class, worry not, you will have FULL access to our class replay library any time you need it!
Post your question in one of our many topics, or answer someone you can support!
You also get trained moderators and guest coaches who teach additional classes, offer support and are here just for you!
The app is very easy to use! When you join you get 3 days FREE to try it out!
Join us for live classes, chat, Q&A and all the extra bonuses!
Want More Tips? Subscribe to my Youtube Channel
Love Testimonials & Inspo? Follow me on IG.
Sending you much love today and always,