Dear Diamond Girl,
I have a question for you:
What makes a man forget all other women and want to claim, keep and pursue you?
The best answer I can offer is: Authentic, Feminine Energy YOU!
Honest, warm, soft, with no agenda, and yet with boundaries intact.
You have your own interests and a good supply of Feminine Confidence. You are willing to ask the difficult question such as:
Where do you see us going?
You know you value and where you want to be in life. You can say to him:
I want to be a wife someday…
You can have that conversation, talk about time frames, getting a ring, and if not, you can slowly begin to walk away.
Get MORE Scripts like this in “500 Ways to Talk to a Man” eBook and 2-Day classes.
Learning more about Feminine Energy means also understanding sensitive yet powerful Masculine Energy. After all, man’s DNA has evolved to protect women, children and all things important to the family. It’s important to note how our inherit energy is different.
Let’s start at the top, Masculine Energy doesn’t like being managed, controlled or feeling trapped. Masculine energy backs away from energy moving towards it, cornering it, or threatening to take away its power. Think of backing an animal into a corner with a cage. A man would resist this with full force!
Sometimes, even when help is requested by a Masculine source, you may innocently walk into a spider’s web moving in on a man’s sensitive Masculine prowess.
When you do less you will always win with a man.
Unless he ask you to perform a specific task (within your boundaries) don’t figure everything out for a man, even if he asks. You can let a man know how you feel, and assure him, “I trust you will figure this out.”
Learn more about speaking so a man really hears you and connects with your heart with “500 Ways.”
My ebook comes with a 2-day video program as well, so you can find the perfect words to pull your man closer, have him claim you, and finally really understand and hear your heart.

You must trust that our chosen partner can figure it out on their own. Otherwise, why did you choose him?
We must have our own boundaries in place for ourselves and offer concern in the form of “I feel” statements that reflect what you are experiencing in your body – instead of telling a man what to do.
This may sound like a tap dance, oppression or playing small in order to speak your voice, yet it’s exactly the opposite and it gets amazing results.
Feminine Energy means you no longer over-function!
More often with the “I feel” method, you will get what you need and strengthen your relationship with no manipulation and zero masculine energy battle. How great is that?
BE SURE YOU ARE SPEAKING FEELING STATEMENTS CORRECTLY: GET YOUR COPY OF “500 Ways” eBook + 2-Day Video Class and also watch this video here.
HERE’S AN EXAMPLE: There’s going to be a winter storm blowing in and you & your guy need to fill portable gas tanks for the generator. You are worried gas will get spilled in the car.
Masculine Response: Be sure you check that the gas tank doesn’t leak before putting it in the car. I do not want the car smelling like gas again!
Feminine Response: I feel scared this tank may leak gas from the spout. I feel so sick when that happens. Is there any way to test it for leaks before it gets in the car? (Notice there is no ‘you’ in this sentence, such as: will you test it? Stick to “I” statements. Clearly state what you feel: it may leak.)
Boundary (if needed): I will not ride in this car with an open container of gasoline.
How would your man respond to the above examples? Which one feels better to you when you imagine the scenario? Notice how the Feminine Response allows the man an opportunity to SOLVE a problem.
Sending you much love today and always,