Fix What’s Wrong With This One Tip!
Dear Diamond Girl,
I hope you’re enjoyed the holiday season so far! Jeff and I have been enjoying holiday dinners, Christmas decorating and time with friends and family. Please feel free to reply and let me know what you’ve been up to this time of year.
Begin Your Manifesting Journey Today!
My manifesting program, New Man Manifesto is an intensive program with loads of audio classes, Q&A from participants, feminine energy tools and downloadable homework. You also get access to my extensive VIP Library with 20+ BONUS items.
Or, you may be ready to treat yourself to the Complete Collection, with ALL my programs and eBook – 50% OFF!
New Man Manifesto is an extensive program that shows you how to transform your love life and pull the man you desire directly to you. This includes REPAIRING existing love.
I incorporate my Feminine Energy philosophies and tools for a Complete and Thorough Program that DELIVERS RESULTS. This program delivers and contains LOADS of content! Plus you receive the much coveted *VIP Library.*
I have so many heart-warming #testimonials on my Instagram stories if you wish to see for yourself! AE Testimonial Insta Story.
Use this one tip and become a Man Magnet TODAY!
It’s easy to get bogged down in a world where things aren’t going right for you. We’ve become a culture that connects to one another through our pain story.
While in the short-term, it can be helpful to vent to someone who cares, manifesting work is about speaking the lovely things that you DO want.
My tip is simply this: Talk, write, pray, and dream about what you want. Connect with what feels good as if it is nourishment for your survival. Dismiss negative thoughts and dwelling on the past and ‘what-ifs.’
Here’s how:
With your current partner: when your mind drifts to what he’s done or doing ‘wrong’ – replace that thought with a mental image of a happy moment together. Make sure you have a loving mental image you can access, so you can retrain your brain to focus on positive feelings, not memories and worries.
I have an image of Jeff being so concerned with how I was feeling one time, that he got down on both knees to be close to me, hold my hands, look me in the eyes and speak calmly to me. He stayed there on his knees until we sorted it out. He was devoted and fully present.
If the status quo needs in your relationship needs improvement, do not dwell on it. Focus instead on the parts that are working.
Think about how you want things to unfold and feel. Write a new story for you and your man.
Once you get to an elevated feeling place, hold onto it for 20-30 seconds and revisit this feeling often. You feeling good and connecting with your desires is a must.
You’ll notice things magically begin to improve with your man or situation. Try it for 2 weeks, and see the difference!
If you’re single or dating: Practice selective focus. Pay attention to the aspects of a man that feel good to you, and let the things you don’t like blur into the background. If the current man you’re dating shows up on time, or is a good listener, notice how this feels in your body.
If he’s on his phone too much, notice it, but focus on how wonderful things feel when he’s unplugged. In dating, you’re there to connect with the good and observe the “bad.” (When considering a committed relationship, that is when you decide if bigger issues will work for you or not.)
Ultimately, you want to compile a list of all the good parts of men you love, (past and present) and find what feels warm and connected about these qualities. Revisit this list often, it is part of your New Man Manifesto!
Manifesting 101: When you find the qualities in men that feel good, by focusing on them, you create a space for these events to continue showing up. Creating this placeholder means the Universe will fill it up! Allow good things and people to come towards you.
Make sure you practice gratitude and design your life daily. Even one minute per day to focus on how a loving, long-lasting relationship will feel and look to you can facilitate great change. TRY IT NOW. 🙂
More about New Man Manifesto…
This program works on 3 Levels that GET YOU LASTING RELATIONSHIP SUCCESS:
- Outside of You,
2. Inside of You &
3. The Universe/God/Creator.
+Outside: This is about the things you can change that will affect a man (and your life) positively. Your routine, vibe, actions, postures, energy, pursuits, goals, how you behave around the man, how you behave when apart, and even while you sleep.
+Inside: This work begins and ends with how you feel. Learning to switch from doing/boy energy to your feeling & feminine gut. You’ll act and feel like a Lady. You will attract Gentlemen, or your man will begin to STEP UP! You can access your feelings quickly, discover your go-to reflex that shuts you (and him) down versus Deep Down Feelings. Your feelings are what makes a man fall deeply in love with you and claim you as the one woman he cannot live without.
+The Universe: We get you SPECIFIC. This is the really FUN part that works like magic. When you begin this work, the man will often text or call, new men will simply show up, and opportunities will begin to fall into place. You will call into creation the loving relationship you desire, and the Universe will deliver. We even set a date for his arrival. Again, this works whether you are married or single.
Treat Yourself to the Complete Collection, or New Man Manifesto,
or, check out my NEW Answer Cards.
Are you ready to get started?
I encourage you to take that bold first step toward creating the loving relationship you desire.
New Man Manifesto is about being a #DIAMONDGIRL – even if you’re in a marriage or relationship.
NMM is about awakening and exploring your Feminine Energy in relation to men, yourself, love and life.
Every encounter with a man (or woman) can and will bring about positive change with Feminine Energy.
Sending you lots of love this Holiday Season! Merry Christmas and hugs all around.