Speaking less will allow you to be warm, inquisitive, a better listener and practice self-awareness.
Learn to build connection with authentic conversation and speak from your heart.
Dear Diamond Girls,
If you ever feel that you talk too much in your relationship and could stand to listen and connect more, your Inner Girl is making this request.
Your guy will also appreciate less chatter, as a man’s brain can’t process words as efficiently as women speak them.
More than that, you’ll be exercising your authentic self instead of just filling the space with words.
Your Inner Girl also appreciates silence and reflection. Authentic You is not into random chatter, she’s into building lasting connection.
Discover how your relationship can deepen by practicing self-awareness, leaning back, being inquisitive and even taking your own experimental silent retreat. Doesn’t that sound fun??
In podcast #16 How To Talk Less to Listen & Love More in Your Relationship, I share how my anxiety dissipated by relaxing and letting conversations flow, and how to get into your body and discover your feminine energy voice instead of forcing conversation and connection.
Available on SPOTIFY or APPLE or wherever you get your podcasts!
Also, I have exciting news! For the remainder of June, my Everheart Answer Cards are on SALE! Get yours and one for a friend while this sale lasts!

Sending you much love today and always,