Are you unknowingly lowering your value?
Hello Beautiful,
Yesterday was a Full Moon, and for some reason the moon always makes me smile and gives me a sense of encouragement. How about you?
Last night, I sat outside basking in the Moon Glow. I reflected on the past month: what things are no longer serving me, and where I set aside my value and worth.
As I breathed in the dappled moonlight, I saw my back garden in a new light, literally.
I saw shadows and forms where the soft light illuminated objects in way that inspired my curiosity.
Perspective and looking at your situation in an alternative way can radically transform your experience and outcome. How can you experiment with this concept as you reflect on the past month?
Some good questions to ask:
- What am I grateful for and why?
- Where was I challenged this past month? How did I excel? Where can I focus compassion and kindness for myself and others?
- How can I slow down and live in peace?
- What is it I really want to be doing? How can I begin now?
- What is no longer serving me? Am I willing to believe it is possible to release this?
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Your Worth & Value
You never ever need to “prove” your worth and value.
You are valuable for simply being here! Yet sometimes we cut our value short in exchange for being helpful, nurturing or available.
My most recent video and podcast episode is about things women can do and say, and we mean well, but it ultimately can lower our value in the eyes of another human, i.e. your partner.
Is your partner a terrible person for this? Heck no, judging is what humans do! We are all imperfect and function on knee-jerk reactions from the brain.
All men, women, children and even pets/animals TEST one another in subtle unconscious ways.
Learn more about this POWERFUL Feminine Energy topic listening here.