Are you unknowingly sabotaging your relationships?

Dear Diamond Girl,
🎧Don’t miss this week’s video & podcast
I recently did a Youtube live, and you can watch the video, “STOP Pushing Him Away and Win His Heart” right here. It’s about ‘turn-offs.’ 🙄
And if you prefer to listen on the go, please go here for the accompanying podcast episode #97.
Did you ever lose a relationship where you felt things were going really well?
This past year I visited the beach for my birthday. I wanted to share the above photo with you all because in this moment I am truly very happy and grateful.
Where’s your happy place?
And where’s your best space for reflection? 💙(Feel free to reply to this email and let me know.)
🌊The beach has always been my happy place, but at other times in my life, it was a place I went to process deep sadness and ruminate on relationships lost.
When a man pulls away or leaves us, it’s easy to replay every single date and conversation in your mind, trying to figure out what went wrong.
😞The truth is, women tend to blame themselves for breakups and rejection – even if in retrospect they weren’t really happy!
When that abandonment feeling kicks in, it’s easy to panic and wonder if you’ll ever find love, or you might think things like, ‘What’s wrong with me?’
Please stop blaming yourself now. There is nothing wrong with you. 🥰💓
You’re on your current path but yearning for a new direction in life – it’s that simple.
💫This need for change is why I created New Man Manifesto.💫
How can you attract the man and relationship you want if you’re stuck blaming yourself for the past and longing for those who don’t share your core values? 🤔
Check out New Man Manifesto for more insights into who you are becoming, where you want to be, and aligning with the values you desire in life & a relationship!
As you align with your ideal self and the man you want, there are turn-offs to avoid.
Not that you need to keep a man constantly turned on and into you – that’s exhausting and inauthentic!
Admittedly, I was often a big turn-off with men because when I wasn’t ball-bashing 😏, I would self-sabotage my relationships with anger and disappointment.
I wasn’t comfortable receiving.
I didn’t feel safe with men.
I felt I needed to give or do to be loved – by anyone.
In this week’s video and podcast, you’ll get tips on how to avoid turn-offs and what you can do or say to get into alignment with your core values.
Since we’re discussing self-improvement…
Did you get my FREE workshop video from my private group iHeartLoveAcademy?
It was in last week’s email, but in case you missed it…🤕I’m wearing a bandage in the video, but the message is immensely important, I promise. Click and see how this transforms your life: Watch my iHeart Class Here.
You’re invited to work with me💖 in my private coaching group
I hope to see you in my private group sometime!
Much love to you and see you next week!