My body just felt numb…

A young woman is at home, she is sitting on the sofa in the living room and writing notes

Dear Diamond Girl,

In my latest video, I share more about how to HEAL WOUNDED FEMININE ENERGY and HEAL YOUR INNER GIRL.

I’ll never forget that feeling of desperately wanting a stable and loving relationship, yet also feeling numb. My mind knew what I wanted, yet my body couldn’t fully feel the love, warmth, closeness and safety I craved in a relationship.

I could logically tell you what I felt, but when I was with a man, I mostly resonated with strong feelings of discontent, anger, frustration or loneliness.

With loved ones, I knew I loved them, but I felt on the edge of my seat when around them. I felt better if I had an activity or chore I could do in their company instead of simply having my heart open and sharing space together.

I had a difficult time connecting to the safe warm feelings of love. True love meant healing, feeling vulnerable, safe and foremost trusting myself.

In addition to not fully connecting on a deep level, Wounded Girl may be attracted to a certain man and other wounded men.

Do you know the difference between your Ego States – who is speaking and when?

Wounded Inner Girl may be running your relationship. She’s a child, not an adult. But do you know when she’s speaking or not? Do you know her age or when she’s taking charge?

Ask yourself things like: Are you really getting your relationship needs met? Who is running the show in your life (right now)? Who is speaking, who is making your decisions for you (in a given moment)?

When you heal wounded inner girl by communicating with her – it is YOU who is in the relationship and your life, not a child. I discuss journaling, affirmations, ego states, and healthy boundaries and limits in this video.

You can also listen to this episode: This Podcast Is For Women Episode #88 – Wounded Feminine (Inner Girl Work)

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💞Please message me on IG or reply to this email if you have any questions.

Adrienne Everheart

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