Connect to your alluring Inner Girl & find lasting happiness!
Dear Diamond Girls,
Feeling feminine, confident, and desirable has more to do with our “mental chatter” than hormones, weight gain, breakups or anything a man will ever do or say to us.
In this podcast, I share 6 ways you can deepen your connection with your alluring inner girl and begin to balance your masculine/feminine energies from theĀ inside out.
Being your natural alluring self is what attracts quality men toward you, and will have you feeling your very best as a woman. I share tips that connect you with your feel-good feminine energy journey now!
This work happens inside you, not outside of you.
Making and keeping a healthy relationship with ourselves is key to loving and nourishing our delicate inner girl. When our inner boy has been running the show, making the choices and doing all the talking, we lose contact with our sensing/feeling inner girl. Life feels lopsided, and our relationships mirror this discord.
How we speak and feel about ourselves is reflected out into the world.
Being out of balance will often have you excelling in one part of life, such as your career. Yet, you may feel alone and reject possibilities of a fulfilling love life in matters of your heart. You may encourage yourself to work hard, but not believe you will ever find lasting happiness with a man. Your energies are out of balance, and inner boy is running the show.
The tips I share with you in this podcast are here to awaken your inner girl and build a better connection to the things that reward her “just for being a girl,” instead of your inner boy receiving all the accolades for a job well done.
You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple, or wherever you listen to your favorite podcast.

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Sending you much love today and always,