500 Ways to Talk to a Man
Ebook & 2-Day Video Program

speak directly to a man’s heart
Includes ‘How to Talk to a Man’ 101 2-Day Video Classes
The words you speak can pull a man closer and have him hanging onto your every word.

- Do you feel like men just don’t listen?
- Do you want to open up to your man and connect to his heart – yet words seem to fall flat?
- Are you feeling like there’s MORE for you two and need help speaking those feelings?
- Do you feel scared if you share how you feel, a man will turn away?
- Instead of feeling closer & more understood, do you feel distant after having a talk?
- Does your man shut-down instead of open-up?
- Do you struggle between saying nothing at all or getting angry and popping off?
- Are you confused about how to get closer and also get commitment?
- Do you want to overcome empty texts and build something real?
If any of these apply to you, my book, “500 Ways”, is the Breakthrough you’ve been seeking.
INSTANTLY Get both ‘500 Ways’ eBook + How To Talk to a Man 101, 2-Day Classes (REG. $147)
Complete Collection
GET THESE 8 Courses for 50% off!
Everheart Course Collection + VIP Library: $529.99 reg
Total value with library: $1380

ABCs to Get Him Back Foundations

500 Ways to Talk to a Man

3 FEMM Programs: Dating, Relationships & Diamond

Complete Unzipped Collection

New Man Manifesto
The Complete Everheart Collection allows you membership and lifetime access to 8 Courses for one LOW PRICE. You save over 50%!
Worry not, you’ll get VIP Library access, “500 Ways” e-book and the 2-Day video classes, PLUS the courses & extras shown above.
To learn more about each program, scroll and click below.

Complete Collection
The Complete Everheart Collection bundle allows you lifetime access to ALL Programs, ebooks and the VIP library for one LOW PRICE.
Get the Complete “500 Ways” & 2-Day Video Classes
eBook + Video Classes
The words you speak can pull a man closer and have him hanging onto your every word.
- Go deeper into scripting, finding your Feminine Voice, learning body postures and techniques that create a warm & confident approach with men.
- Instant Access to Adrienne’s 2-Day Love Academy VIDEO Classes: How to Talk to a Man 101 PLUS ‘500 Ways’ eBook for one low price.
- Receive hands-on guidance with scripting and talking to men in real life situations with the Recorded Video Classes & eBook Bundle.
INSTANTLY Get both ‘500 Ways’ eBook + How To Talk to a Man 101, 2-Day Video Classes

With the “500 Ways” eBook and Two Day Intensive Classes ‘How To Talk to a Man 101’ you’ll have EVERYTHING you need to know to Capture His Heart Forever.

How To Talk to a Man 101 Video Classes are the perfect companion to the best-selling eBook, “500 Ways.” Your journey to attracting and keeping a quality man BEGINS with the words you speak.
Get both ‘500 Ways’ eBook & How To Talk to a Man 101 Video Classes.
“500 Ways to Talk to a Man” is the relationship-shifting book women are talking about.
Here’s What You Get When You Purchase:

- 170+ pages
- More than 500 examples & scripts
- Topics include: Commitment, Breakups, From Dating to Marriage, Household Chores, Division of Labor, Money, Sexual Exclusivity, Cheating, Internet Porn, Lies, Arguments, and Phrases that Create a Long-Lasting Bond
- PLUS, I teach you how to script!
Please note: all digital downloads are non-refundable.
Why You Need Scripting to Connect to a Man’s Heart
Let’s be honest…Getting the commitment you need from a man can feel impossible.
Women often think of what to say, instead of expressing what they are feeling.
This ‘thinking’ shuts a man down. The man withdraws. He goes silent…Or he goes away.
Women are pros at stuffing their feelings down until it all explodes in an angry rant.
‘5oo Ways’ shows you how to find your feelings and express them without drama.
You No Longer Need Worry About Your Words Pushing a Man Away…

Your words can pull him close to you instead…and KEEP him there.
You are sexy and alluring to a man when you’re speaking your truth, directly from your heart. This includes setting boundaries! Yet ALL women need a little help getting into their body, & finding their feelings. This is key! I can show you how to confidently choose your words and speak your heart to a man…so you can build the happily ever after that you’re seeking.
Get both ‘500 Ways’ eBook & How To Talk to a Man 101, 2-Day Recorded Intensive!
Men Desire a Feminine Energy Woman
Women, now more than ever, need help communicating & ‘scripting’.
We are all day in our heads, thinking, doing, making things happen, and we’ve forgotten about our soft, feeling, expressive and warm nature. These traits are the very essence of attracting and keeping a man – forever!
You can learn proven words & scripts that pull a man’s heart right to you.
All Successful Relationships Need Resources
If you are seriously interested in creating a loving and committed relationship with a man, one that leads to marriage, it’s time to say “yes” to “500 Ways”.

Here’s an example:
Many men will send text after text, yet rarely if ever CALL YOU! Yet with your reply you can activate the man to pursue you, setting a boundary along with speaking a feeling statement: “Feels so good to hear from you, yet a phone call would feel lovely. What do you think?”
You’ll get answers to some of dating & relationship’s most difficult questions…such as sharing bathroom selfies, sexting and much more.
I teach you why some conversations like this above example are GOOD to have instead of just bailing and hitting delete.
I teach you how to move up the tiers in your feminine energy.
Get both ‘500 Ways’ eBook & How To Talk to a Man 101, 2-Day Recorded Intensive!
Get Your Copy of “500 Ways to Speak to a Man” eBook & How to Talk to a Man video class series.
You’ll Have the Answers & Scripts You Need to Tie His Heart All Up – Forever.
Get BOTH ‘500 Ways’ eBook & How To Talk to a Man 101 Video Classes.
Please note: all digital downloads are non-refundable. If your item does not arrive to your email address within a few hours please visit the FAQ page.

Why not Treat Yourself & Your Heart to a new way of speaking and being that actually attracts men and invites LOVE!

Here’s another great scripting example…
It’s easy to speak all the negatives to a man, yet how often do you share what’s feeling right and good to you?
Let the first words you speak to a man each day be positive, poetic, feminine and with feeling:
“Today I felt so connected with my co-workers. We giggled and shared funny stories around the water-cooler. Felt so good to laugh with them all.”
This warm positive opener connects you and your man, pulling his heart closer to yours.
You need not be a doormat or too scared to speak. Break old patterns & feel renewed speaking from your heart.
YES…You can deepen the connection with a man by telling him What IS Working in the relationship.
This need not be a lengthy discussion. Shorter is better. A man will get suspicious and begin turning his ears off if he senses a lecture or manipulation. Instead, I show you how to stay Heart Focused and speak what it is you truly are feeling.
I show you when Silence is more golden than any words too. The Scripts and Words I show you are tested, proven and truly work. You’ll feel and see results in seconds!
Remember, this isn’t about manipulation, games or coercion. When you find your feelings, and choose your words with care you open up not only YOUR HEART, but HIS. You’ve never seen anything like this and I can’t wait to hear all about your positive results!
Relationships are all about communication.
You’ve heard that a million times before. (Yawn…)
Yet each day women innocently “speak their mind” to a man and make mistakes that create distance. They unknowingly push the man farther away with their words.
I show how YOU can become the One Woman his heart connects to deeply.
You can be the One Woman that no other woman can compare to, and No Woman can dare take your place.
You will be the one woman who truly gets him like no other. You’ll stand out as the #DiamondGirl above the rest.
You will have his heart all tied up, with no worries.
- You can learn to attract love instead of forcing it.
- You can save your relationship from cheating and lies.
- You can strengthen your bond by opening your heart to his.
- You can return to the beginning when things felt fresh and new, when love flowed easily and effortlessly.
Because in the beginning of the relationship, you were not focused on this man. You were probably unsure if you liked him as much as he liked you.
You were just in the flow and following your feelings. You were mostly into your life and you could find your feelings easily.
Then hormones, time, fear, and over-thinking snuck in and instead of honoring your feelings, you began to think your way through.
The first step to rebuilding your relationship and is reading and studying the tools and techniques I have prepared for you in “500 Ways”. This is true even if you are dating and still in love with a man from your past.
REMEMBER: Your man wants to hear from your HEART. This is what creates a deep and lasting bond with a man. Not looks, long hair, a fit body…it’s not your thinking, doing, analysis or actions that make a man fall deeply and irrevocably in love.
It is your heart’s TRUE feelings that he desires!
- I teach you easy-to-understand tools so you can script and speak to a man and connect his heart with yours.
- I also supplement you with a plethora of Scripts so no matter the situation, there is a script that can help you. “500 Ways” is in PDF format, so it’s easy to search in and store on your mobile device.
- You can now Learn what Truly Attracts and Keeps a Man and speak the words he always wanted to hear. Not just any words, but the words that connect you to his heart deeply, and irrevocably.
- Get the long-lasting love you crave and desire with ‘500 Ways to Talk to a Man’ – it begins and ends with how you feel and the words you say.
Read More About Women Who Have Read My eBooks!

“Dear Adrienne, I’m happy to share my success. I was 57 and starting over and never felt I’d find love again. I kept attracting men who played games, they wouldn’t call, only texted, and were overall flaky types. With your eBook I found out little everyday ways I could begin building that deep connection with a man so that his heart would hear mine. I learned how I was playing games too, and shifted to warmth and sincerity. At long last, I opened my heart. It was a new way for me but it feels natural and more like my true self. I am dating an amazing man and things are going fantastic.”
— Barb S.
“Adrienne you did the impossible. I can’t thank you enough. I was over-functioning and saying all sorts of things I didn’t really mean. I’m a different woman now, transformed, and I feel happier. Dating is fun and thrilling to me now.”
— Sandra M.
“My man had broken up with me four times and all he ever wanted was to hear from my heart and feelings. I was too busy telling him things that didn’t connect us but I thought that was sharing my feelings. Now I speak from my heart and he can’t leave my side ;-)”
— Maylessa L.
“I read your eBook hoping I could get my long-distant love to care and love me more. I was running out of hope and bored with just Skyping with him. You taught me how to say what I felt, and when I let him know I was going to walk away to find my heart’s true love, he showed up at my house with flowers and talking all kinds of commitment. Whoa! He lives closer now and we are dating five days a week. I am still using tools you taught me and seeing if he’s the one I really want.”
— Carissa M.
“Hi Adrienne! Speaking from my heart was like learning a new language but you made it much easier! I wanted to thank you because I’m feeling much more like ME and the man I’ve been in love with for so long is finally committing to me and talking about our future. This has helped me and him. I cannot thank you enough!”
— Patty S.

In my personal journey to finding the keys to lasting love, I scoured the internet for information. I discovered quite a lot of “experts”, many of them men, who claimed their method could return a lost love to me, or show me the “rules” of true and everlasting love. What I discovered was a lot of manipulation techniques. At long last, I have found the keys to a man’s heart and being my authentic and true self. When I finally learned all the secrets and became a Certified Master Coach & Teacher, I wanted to share it all with you. It became my life’s mission. I am here for you.
– Much love!

Don’t Wait Another Day…
Get your Download of: 500 Ways to Talk to a Man + 2 Full Length Video Classes “How to Talk to a Man 101.”
Only $79
You’ll Have the Answers & Scripts You Need to Tie His Heart All Up – Forever.
please note: All digital downloads are non-refundable.