Rebuilding with a man can get tricky

Dear Diamond Girl,

I’ve got a condensed podcast episode for you this week, two video shorts and some quick reminders on the unraveling path that is rebuilding with a man.

I know all too well how frustrating and anxiety-inducing it can be to rebuild with a man you love.

Whether you want to get your ex back, get commitment with a hot/cold man, or smooth things out with your partner – a process is needed.

We all want our relationships to feel secure, and when love is in limbo it can affect the quality of our lives in every way possible – and this isn’t the rich, juicy life I preach about. 🍑

When you let go of the outcome – everything works out.

I have a few short videos for you this week about being authentic and also what a man can or cannot do. 🤹‍♂️

Here’s what I want you to keep in mind:

  • let go of any outcome or control in regards to your guy – right now, admit to yourself and God and the Universe: I’ve got ZERO control over what this man does or does not do!
  • sit back and see what your guy can or cannot do – no influencing him in the direction you want – this is true Feminine Energy essence
  • be authentic – you be you! If you are in ‘best behavior mode’ or think the hottest sex of his life will make him love you all the more, you are wrong – just be yourself.
  • a man falls in love with how he feels around you, seeing your true self (often what you think are flaws) and feeling he can trust you emotionally
  • trust means: you are who you are, no being fake, not on the big things or the little things

I created the ABCs course so you’ll know how to not only get your guy back, but rebuild the relationship so it will LAST.

The ABCs is my proven course, because I begin with the all-important factor of Rebuilding YOU.

I also give you a roadmap of how rebuilding with a man typically unfolds, as well as classes, audios, and homework that reinforces my Feminine Energy teachings and a Get Him Back protocol that works!

ABCs to Get Him Back Logo

I hope you enjoy this weeks material and as always 💞Please message me on IG or reply to this email if you have any questions.

Adrienne Everheart

P.S. Did you get a chance to listen to Helena Hart & me last week? We discussed a lot of scripts you can use now! Listen on Apple or Spotify.

Watch the video here, or listen to my latest podcast episode on APPLE or SPOTIFY.

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