My Four Week LIVE Course Begins: 10/14/24
It’s time to Awaken your Feminine Energy!
Discover How To Elevate Your Feminine Energy – Heal After Heartbreak & Enliven Your Magnetic & Radiant Life.
What you’ll get from this course, topics & more!
Attend 4 weekly LIVE Coaching Workshops with me – where you can ask questions, join in the live chat, or remain totally anonymous. Each class is RECORDED and about 90-minutes in length. There are four LIVE classes total. Dates for LIVE class are: October 14, 21 & 28th and November 4th at 9am PT, 11am CT, 12:00pm ET, and 5pm UK. You will be emailed reminders and replay notifications.
Receive Five Video Coaching Modules to guide you through the course – whether you have recently broken up, are in a get him back scenario, need tools on rebuilding with your partner, or want to call forth your desired relationship – these modules IGNITE your Feminine Energy journey.
1’Reclaim Your Sparkle’ Feminine Energy Worksheets: Rediscover and activate your Feminine Energy to get clarity on your feelings and desires. Learn a self-coaching model that will raise your vibration and rescue you from the ‘ditch of despair.’ Discover your core values and create the life you’ve desired.
Course Topics include:
Rebuilding Tools – Strategy Methods + How To Keep Attraction & Intimacy Growing
Customizing Your Journey – Rediscover Your Inner Diamond Girl’s Glimmers & Triggers + Guild for Calming Your Boy Energy (worksheet included.)
How to Boldly Move On – Heal & Attract Your Partner Back (if that’s what you desire.)
Manifest Your Ideal Relationship – Mapping Tools For Any Desire You Have (worksheet included.)
Unlock Your Potential – Learn New Communication Skills So You Don’t Repeat The Past (worksheet included.)
Create Your Rich Juicy Life – Reclaim Your Energy, Joy & Feminine Essence
Get 4 Weeks of Healing, Rebuilding & New Possibilities
Perhaps you’ve already benefited from my courses, the original ABCs to Get Him Back, my YouTube Channel or private coaching group iHeartLoveAcademy?
I’ve helped thousands of women reconnect with their lost love and rebuild anew. You too can become one of my growing testimonials.

I can teach you tools and methods that will radically change your life for the better:
- Whether you are broken-up or feeling distance with your partner,
- No matter how long ago the relationship ended,
- If you were blocked or separation or divorce papers filed,
- Or you want to rebuild your life and enhance your Feminine Energy
The ABCs transforms your life
Whether you are partnered, single or in the grips of heartbreak, this proven to work course guides you to healing & rebuilding!

ABCs Healing + Strategy
I’m excited to offer my 4 week LIVE coaching course kicking off on October 14, 2024. In the HEALING + STRATEGY course I introduce 5 new modules to tackle your toughest issues, plus 4 weeks of LIVE coaching classes with me every Monday.
Our greatest joy and our greatest pain come in our relationship with others. – Covey
How Feminine Energy changes the breakup protocol
There are so few resources out there for women that go beyond healing to truly transforming your life — something that, in your current mind frame, may seem impossible.
The ABCs to Get Him Back is backed by concrete evidence of success because it imparts exclusive techniques rarely taught to women elsewhere.
Over 80% of women who completed the ABCs course successfully rekindled their connection with their Ex, yet ultimately found themselves no longer desiring a romantic partnership with them.
BONUS VIP LIBRARY: Unlock a treasure trove of endless value with over 20+ exclusive items awaiting you in the VIP bonus library. Dive into a world of transformative eBooks, insightful PDFs, and soothing meditations designed to empower you on your journey to reclaim love and self-discovery.
WHEN YOU PURCHASE: After you purchase, you will receive an email with info to create a username and login for my website (or use your current login if a returning customer). You can login and get your LIVE class links and other materials as they become available. Be sure to add my email to your contacts, because you’ll receive your private class link reminders via email too.
US Pacific 09:00 AM | UK 5:00 PM |
US Eastern 12:00 PM | S. Africa 6:00 PM |
E. Australia Tue. 3:00 AM | New Zealand Tue. 5:00 AM |
ABCs Healing + Strategy
You can begin your healing journey now with my ABCs to Get Him Back Fundamentals course here. The LIVE course is sold separately.
I’m excited to offer my LIVE coaching course happening May 21, 2024. In the HEALING + STRATEGY course I introduce 8 new modules to tackle your toughest issues, plus 4 weeks of LIVE coaching classes with me, a brand new workbook, and FREE access to my private coaching community, iHeartLoveAcademy.
Our greatest joy and our greatest pain come in our relationship with others. – Covey
There are so few resources out there for women that go beyond healing to truly transforming your life — something that, in your current mind frame, may seem impossible.
What went wrong? The truth about breakups.
I’ve helped thousands of women heal their heartbreak and reconnect them to the love they lost.
Countless others have re-attracted their ex, then no longer desired him!
The truth about breakups is that they leave you spiraling and distant from the true you, and the ‘YOU’ the man fell in love with.
Breakups can leave you shattered, questioning, and feeling lost. But it’s time for a shift. The ABCs to Get Him Back course offers proven techniques to transform heartbreak.
The truth about heartbreak is it’s a cruel fact of life, like taxes. Yet I’ve found breakups are usually based on lies, selfishness, insecurity or ulterior motives.
Breakups leave you with more questions than answers. You end up craving time travel to return things to the way they once were.
Breakups cost you time off your life, physically and mentally. A breakup can affect your body as if you experienced physical trauma. The mental aspects can go on for years.
How Feminine Energy changes the breakup protocol
The ABCs to Get Him Back is PROVEN TO WORK because I use techniques that no one in life really teaches women.
You were never encouraged to be a girl and feel your feelings. Even now you may find no one wants to hear about your breakup or witness you cry.
Feminine Energy radically transforms not only the emotional processing of a breakup, but gets you in alignment with the girl you’ve lost. You heard me correctly: women lose themselves in a relationship.
When the identity gets challenged, and the potential happiness (the guy) is removed, the whole body goes into withdrawal. There’s no convincing a person to stop grieving, logic won’t help.
Over 80% of women who completed the ABCs course successfully rekindled their connection with their Ex, yet ultimately found themselves no longer desiring a romantic partnership with them.
The remedy for heartbreak
Through radical acceptance, facing truths, and embracing your Feminine Energy, you’ll find clarity, healing and learn the tools to reconnect with your ex, or move confidently onward and call forth the man you’re meant to be with.
This course empowers you to rebuild and stand strong, whether single, dating, or coupled. It’s time to reclaim your power and *remember* the dynamite woman you truly are.
Q: Who is ‘ABCs to Get Him Back’ for?
A: If your man has: withdrawn from you, shut you out, is depressed, down on himself, angry, says he loves you – yet has walked away or ended the relationship.
This program has been proven to work.
Q: What if I don’t want my man back, but I’m having trouble getting past the breakup?
A: Fans of the ABC’s have also called my program, “Absolute Best Chances to Get YOU Back,” because you learn how to heal your self, attract quality men, date, build lasting relationships, establish boundaries, and grow your feminine energy awareness in the process.
I show you the exact steps you need to call back the man you love (if that’s what you desire), rebuild your relationship, or expand your life with a new man!
“Now you can learn the same techniques I used to get my guy back, plus a lovely Tiffany ring on my finger! (P.S. I was well over age 40!)”
Get Your Man Pursuing You Again
ABCs to Get Him Back gives you the Absolute Best Chances with your man, no matter how long you’ve been broken up or feeling distant. The time to rebuild is NOW.
I’ve been teaching this program privately and in my Love Academy Online Classes for over 8 years with amazing results. Every day women share their success stories and so can you one day!
Now you too can study at your own pace with my ABC Classes, VIP Library and Homework assignments that clear self-sabotage and negative thinking so you can call forth the man you desire.
I teach you a powerful tool called “The Hail Mary Pass.” It is the single action you take with a man. You only get to a Hail Mary ONCE. Much of the ABCs is to prepare you for this tool, IF needed. In most cases the man contacts you before the Hail Mary Pass time frame!
This ACTION from the man is due to powerful mindset techniques that elevate your quality as a woman. The ABCs cause great ripples of change. Your man will sense a change in you and be drawn to and activated by his feelings – NO MATTER THE DISTANCE OR DAMAGE. (I teach you how!) The KEY is when the man returns (with curiosity or even appearing as a friend) you’ll know the tools to activate his masculine energy and keep the fire burning. Your man will be drawn to you like a magnet and charged up to claim you as his own – forever!
What Will Get Him Back Teach You?
The ABCs is a video course to Get Him Back. It will give you the answers you’ve been looking for and the skill set to turn your relationship fate around.

Even though well-meaning friends and family may advise, “Forget him and just move on!,” this advice is much easier said than FELT and ACTED ON. The reason you can’t get him out of your mind is because there’s just MORE for the two of you. You know it and FEEL it.
- You may feel you’re turning your back on an amazing future with a man you love.
- That you could say or do something to trigger his love for you.
- Perhaps you had an argument and you want to apologize and try a fresh start.
- Deep down the relationship feels right and you want to get back on course.
Instead of sitting awake in bed at night thinking, “WHAT IF?,” when you learn and practice proven tools and processes, you will have the Absolute Best Chances (ABCs) to Get Him Back.
I am often asked: What if this fails?
I believe MINDSET is everything. This program delivers the Absolute Best Chances and it’s worked for women all over the globe. Yet in those rare cases where I reconnect the couple yet they still cannot make it work, my clients rest easy in knowing: We gave it our best try!
In MOST cases, for clients who follow my ABC guidelines, the man reaches out FIRST. I devote many steps to reconnecting with him slowly and rebuilding. This is KEY!
Why Purchase This New Course?
If you already have the original ABCs course?
- Uncover the Reasons Behind Your Man’s Decision to End the Relationship with Fresh Insights
- Identify the Optimal Moment to Reach Out to Your Ex for a Fresh Start with Updated Strategies.
- Master the Art of Reaching Out in a Way That Deeply Resonates with His Heart—without appearing desperate or facing rejection.
- Leverage All Your Feminine Energy Tools and Updated Knowledge to Win Him Back and Keep Him for Good.
The ABCs Healing + Strategy offers you the Absolute Best Chances to Reignite Your Connection. Even if you feel that your attempts to reach out via social media, texts, or emotional outbursts have pushed him away, it’s crucial to focus on rebuilding yourself. Establishing core values and nurturing a healed heart and mind will empower you to enter a new relationship revitalized and ready for a meaningful connection, rather than feeling exhausted.

Get Him Back & Keep Him – With No Doubts
About Adrienne Everheart

Many of you already follow me on YOUTUBE (subscribe here) and know that I’m gifted at reconnecting couples – and this is something I’m VERY proud of – because I teach women how to reconnect with the man they LOVE!
What job is better than that?
In fact, it is the easier half of my job!
Activating a man’s heart, allowing him to heal through you and bringing back to life all the wonderful love you both shared is the EASY part.
Keeping the man…that’s another thing.
That’s why I’ve created an Exclusive Program to Get Him Back & Keep Him.
You may know that…When I was dumped and SO brokenhearted, I desperately scoured the internet for any post, program, guide, pdf, video series…you name it…anything I could read in hopes of getting him back.
I paid for tarot readings, psychics and other stuff that did nothing except fuel my insecurities and FEAR.
When that failed me, I found LOADS OF MEN on the internet Selling to Women methods on HOW TO GET YOUR EX BACK. (Mind you, many of these men are single themselves!)
I remember paying $1000 for a video program and half-way through, realizing it was so manipulative and degrading. There was no way I was going to do that to my man, or myself.
Another program was selling me on ‘HOW TO GET YOUR EX BACK.’ He helped me fool and trick my guy’s ‘brain’ but that only resulted in booty calls that left me feeling worse than before.
I was exhausted spending money and time on programs that did not work.
I tried no-contact or ‘NC,’ and it felt grueling and fake.
When I finally broke down and sent my Ex a photo of his favorite puppy of mine, he replied saying he missed us. Our hearts connected with that one small, yet sincere gesture.
I’ve often thought ‘what if’ I would’ve kept up the NC charade?
Would the love of my life have returned to me by playing a game? You decide…
Much love to you,

please note: All digital Courses & downloads are non-refundable.